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karols Profile Picture


"maybe i am busy, but at least i'm not employed"

- -- about me yuh -- -

hey there! i'm karol, an 18 year old who somehow got into college. looks like procrastinatio and being unemployed was not enough for me. oh, did i mention that i enjoy making my laptop and desktops unusuable? on top of all that i'm somehow making myself suffer and cope because of my ADHD which is never bored in my head and super excited about constantly changing and destroying things. sometimes i ask myself "Can you take a break from this?" and the answer is always no. okay let's say something nice now - i can code, i'm learning to code, i am a Linux and macOS poweruser - also running windows but only for games made by developers which cannot move their anticheat system to already better operating system. gosh.

- -- projects -- -

In free time working on a multiplatform GTK application (thank god not written in Rust). It is a top-secret information like "What happened on Tiannanmen Square in China?"

- -- my operating systems and opinion about them -- -

as mentioned earlier - all operating systems in my hand feels like home (only not you, windows server. get out.) who would want to use windows server anyway? linux does much more for free and is much more lightweight. you'll not be broke from using a linux server until you won't pay for rhel or suse subscription. you can also be a huge masochist and compile yourself a gentoo for server purposes and gain 0.039% more of performance with it. what's up with y'all? make linux look awesome around all operating system, not like a church for unwashed IT guys which claim that linux is their religion and GNU GPL is their bible. the nearly the same glazing case - apple fanboys. no, nobody cares that your 3000$ apple silicon-based macbook can compile code 4 seconds faster than flagship intel/amd laptop. also, nobody cares about the ecosystem. your (probably awfully looking with full of wax earplugs) airpods can connect to windows, linux or freebsd operating system via bluetooth too. could we forget about your wallet? it's probably empty because you spend over 20$ a month for a cloud service which you can't even connect with ftp/sftp/ssh into, but you saved some money on ssd upgrade in apple store - now you make your daily workflow more annoying with simple things designed to annoy user everyday. and now the devil - freebsd. the operating system which is not for everyone. it's like a linux (linux is not unix = linux), almost. it's based on a father of all new operating systems, the blessed with god's hand: unix. it's like a linux, but not linux. it's like a macos, but not macos. in these times - it's just that one kid that everyone respects but no one wants to play with him. windows is almost the same, but everyone is forced to use it, no one wants to use it and everyone hates how bad this OS is.

i can freely speech about all of the 4 biggest operating system players on the market - the penguin, the apple, the devil and the glass. i use all of them - somehow did not punch my fist through monitor yet. i always wanted to do it.

- -- honorable mentions -- -

linux daddy (thanks for making a great kernel), silesian unversity of technology (need to study somewhere, eh?), my friends: tosia, oliwer, kamil, oliwier, nermal, and all of the buds from college (greetings, power engineering 1st semester y2024/2025!)

- -- contact me (not after 11 PM and before 8 AM) -- -

mail, telegram, or mail.

can't decide which email to use? spin the wheel.

---- --- -- - (C) karol 2023-2025 - -- --- ----